Digi Current Report - Initiation buy back program for 2018 08.06.2018
The initiation by the Company of the share buy-back program as authorized by the Company’s GSM from 2 May 2018
The Company would like to inform its shareholders and the market that, by decision from 7 June 2018,
the Board of Directors of the Company decided upon the initiation of the class B shares buy-back
program in accordance with the resolutions of the general shareholders meeting of the Company from 2
May 2018 (the GSM), through which the Board of Directors was authorized to acquire, for a 12 months
period starting with the date of the GSM and until, including, 1 May 2019, a maximum of up to 10% of
the issued class B share capital at the close of trading on the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest
Stock Exchange on the date of the AGM, subject to a maximum price per class B share equal to the
average of the highest price on each of the five trading days prior to the date of acquisition, as shown in
the Official Price List of the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange plus 5%
(maximum price) and to a minimum price per common share equal to the average of the lowest price
on each of the five trading days prior to the date of acquisition, as shown in the Official Price
List of the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange minus 5% (minimum price) – the