DIGI Current Report - Update regarding the Invitel transaction 15.11.2018
The Hungarian Competition Council’s decision to formally withdraw and reassess the Invitel merger decision on certain limited aspects
We would like to inform the market and our investors that, in connection with the decision issued by
the Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal – “GVH”) in May 2018 (the “Initial
Decision”) approving the acquisition by our Hungarian subsidiary – DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató
Kft. (“Digi HU”), as the purchaser, of shares representing in total 99.998395% of the share capital and
voting rights of Invitel Távközlési Zrt. (“Invitel”) from Ilford Holding Kft. and InviTechnocom Kft.,
acting as sellers (the “Transaction” – the completion of which we have disclosed to the market on 30
May 2018), on 14 November 2018, the GVH issued several decisions whereby it formally withdrew
the Initial Decision and it opened a new investigation (“New Procedure”) for reassessing limited
aspects in connection with certain settlements where i-TV Digitális Távközlési Zrt. (“i-TV” – one of
Digi HU’s subsidiaries in Hungary) and Invitel overlap.