Digi Raport curent Closing treasury shares Conversion 19.02.2019
The finalization and registration by the Company of the conversion of 1,200,000 A shares into an equal number of class B shares
The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that, by notice no 5,392/19.02.2019, the Central Securities Depository in Romania informed the Company that, on 18 February 2019, it registered the conversion of 1,200,000 A shares into an equal number of class B shares (the
Conversion). The Conversion resulted into an increase with 1,200,000 shares of the class B share capital, each new class B share having a nominal value of 0.01 Euro / share. As a result of the Conversion, the allocation of the new 1,200,000 class B shares was made to the Company (as holder
of treasury shares).